The Party's Over........

My family asked me for my "wish list." I thought I might share it with you. (1) Five GENUINE hugs from those I love; (2) everything removed from my baking shelves and reorganized and cleaned (one of my close friends has a gift for this kind of thing; (3) the new Dirt Devil upright quickie vacuum; (4) a bottle of my favorite perfume, Ralph Lauren's Blue; (5) Someone to put up my Gingerbread House train and Gingerbread House and candy canes down the sidewalk (Xmas decorations)
I got all of that -- and then some. My best girlfriend at work (the one who gave me Jessica Simpson's shawl that I wrote about) took me to lunch today. We had a ritzy lunch at the river -- one of my favorite places. After we ordered drinks and salads, she said, "Now, tell me what you received for your birthday!" She was HORRIFIED at the Dirt Devil! She was like - have you lost your MIND? - last year you got Cartier and this year you asked for DIRT DEVIL???? Then she bent over on the table uncontrollably laughing. Thank God we weren't drinking or I would have sworn the liquor had gone to her head. I kept a very straight face and asked her what on earth is wrong with a Dirt Devil? I mean, I have tons of company expected for the holidays. My whatever that thing is that the guy speaks with the British accent contraption is like taking a calculas test to get it out. The Dirt Devil is going to make my life so easy! No bending over with the Dirt Devil hand vac! Zip zip zip, and I'm done! She went on to say, "It's a cardinal rule - never ever ask for appliances - only jewelry!" Well, I guess I broke the rule. I still would rather have my Dirt Devil.
Who can complain about a birthday where you get everything you want and then some? Not that you were complaining...
Good for you! You are real.
Oy! I missed your BD??? Yikes!
Well lets see if I can remedy that some... *clears throat* ahemmmmm
*sings slightly offkey*
Happy Birthday to youuu,
Happy BIRTHday to yoUUuuu,
Happy BIRTHDAY dearrr WWwwww,
Happy BirthDAY tooooooo YouuuuuuuuuuuUUUU!!!
*and manyyyyyyy moooooorrrrre*
:) Glad it was all you had wished for!
I'm practical...a dirt devil sounds nice!
Glad it was good!
So glad your special day, hmmm weekend was all you wanted and more. You my friend are real and true to yourself..You are one in a million you ask for what you want not what is expected of you. Thanks for your recent visits and comments at my place.
Hope this will be a great week for you.
I think it's perfectly ok to want practical things. Our vacuum cleaner is on its last legs and that Dirt Devil sounds pretty darn good to me. I'm glad it was happy. The lunch sounds lovely.
A day late...the story of my life...
Happy Belated Birthday!
I giggled at the image of you and your friend in a fancy restaurant...her laughing at your Dirt Devil birthday gift. Too funny.
Hope you had a wonderful birthday!
Todd and I bought ourselves a Dirt Devil bagless vacuum. We didn't spend the money on the really expensive ones, but this thing works so well it's scary. I mean, the amount of dog and cat hair and dust that is picked up by that thing in one trip over the carpet completely disgusts me. Not to mention, the suction on it is so powerful that my butt and abs hurt after operating it. I love it!
I concur - get the appliances, You can but your own jewelry.
(using a borrowed cccomputer)
Hey, a dirt devil is one hell of a gift! (I made a joke)
I know I would appreciate one if my husband gave it to me.
My vaccuum is in it's death throes now. I replace the belt about once a month, and it doesn't suck, I mean it sucks - but it doesn't suck. If you know what I mean.
It makes a lot of noise, and it makes you actually think you're vaccuuming, and that has it's own merits, right?
Alright, I'm getting stupid now.
Happy Belated Birthday.
What is next to godliness - could it be cleanliness?? Whatever WW you are the best and if I didn't wish it before (but I think I did) - here it is again and in spades - HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY. Old Baldy
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