Thank You Friends and Readers.......Hugs to You All

Hi there all you wonderful people! I have always loved Snoopy and his friends! Somehow a dog picture seems appropriate with everything going on right now. I can't even tell you how much I appreciate all of your thoughts and prayers. I know they worked. There's the blessings I have gained:
1. My mother is much better. I'm taking her to the doctor today.
2. My Balto is hanging in there and not suffering. He goes back to the doctor today.
3. My laptop was replaced yesterday, and while I am behind at work, I WILL catch up.
4. For the first time since I cannot remember, I actually slept through the night.
5. I am experiencing some tremendous success at work even though I worked through my vacation (which I ended up not taking).
6. Last but not least, I had all of you here bolstering me up. I thank you for all of your wonderful offers; I did read all of your emails. And I thank you for all of your offered support. I am sorry not to have visited your blogs. I can't wait to catch up! Hope things have been going well for you.
More blessings too. Remember Walt the runner? He is going to run in the Junior Olympics for Cross Country! And he interviewed to be a camp counselor along with multitudes of other kids and earned as coveted spot in his first choice of date and location. He is some kid.
Remember Miss Belle - the ballet dancer? She is dancing in a televised parade for a Children's Hospital and begins her performances in the Nutcracker!
Thank you all again. AND TGIF!!!!!!!!!
So happy that things are looking up!
Good luck with the doc appointments. I am so glad things are looking up. I hope all things continue to improve.
You've had a lot on your plate, don't sweat not reading blogs. We all go through rough spots and do that from time to time. Plus, I'd never want you to feel obligated to read mine.
I'm really glad you finally got yourself some rest. It's very important to take care of you too.
Have a great weekend!
Lois Lane
Counting your blessings are you? My, that is a GOOD thing. Keep on doing just that.
Again, you've got the right perspective!
I'll take that hug and raise you annother.
TOD // tgif its Friday already?? what happened to this week?
Glad to hear some good news on multiple fronts. Yes there are things more important than blogging but sometimes I just can't remember what they are...
So glad things are perking up!
You sound more cheerful.
I'm also glad to hear you slept well.
Take care,
It's good to hear that Mom & Balto & you are all hangin' in there! You remain in my thoughts.
Two of my three boys were camp counselors at a really wonderful camp based out of Atlanta (with multiple sites). They came up through this camp's "Leadership Program" and I can't tell you how wonderful it was for them. I am so glad they had the experience. I'm sure your friend will love it too.
Actually, while it is associated with and partially supported by an Atlanta Y, I think it's acutally *based* out of Gainesville, now that I think of it. My bad.
Found you Via a mention on Mnicas site. Sorry things have been difficult lately. Glad things are looking up. It just goes to show you doesnt it? Money cant buy health oe real happiness. I love some of the surprizes of annonymous charity you have done. Keep it up.
OH no, no , no
no, no, no, no,
you think you get off
that easily,
I'M sending you
my bill
for all the support i've lended ya.
in smiles.....
You sound much better than you have, and I'm so glad to hear it. I know you're not out of the woods yet though. I'll continue to think of you and yours.
Good blessings to good people. We are with you.
You apparently love your job, since you worked through vacation and don't have to for economic reasons.
And, after HEALTH, that is probably the greatest blessing--since your job is where you spend the most time.
I hope things continue on the upswing. This too shall pass.....Hugs to you.
I'm glad you are doing better.
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