What do we do now? What do I do?

I've been on semi-vacation as with my job I'm "on call" so to speak. I heard nothing yesterday from work so that was nice.
I'm not really sure what I'm going to do next. I've been working like crazy, then frenzied over the holiday stuff. Now, it is virtually over; and frankly, that's when I have a really hard time. Because I keep myself so busy, I don't have to think about things. Am I really happy? Am I really satisfied? Or am I just leading a really busy life and not taking time to face my life head on? The last shrink asked me what I do for MYSELF. I couldn't think of anything. I still can't. She postphoned two of my next appointments. I didn't go back.
So I'm looking for ideas. What do you do for YOURSELF that makes YOU happy?
something simple--I sing
something more complicated-- I make something with my hands, Volunteer my time, or call an old friend for lunch
I do seem to be at my happiest when I am surrounded with friends.
But when all else fails, sing sing SING
I go to a coffee house and listen to the music...it is my treat to mmyself once a month...I have asked people to go with me but mostly I go alone. One time after I had gone someone told me that I looked refreshed.....
zardoz says:
well lets see , how about where princess DIANA , left off ?
or how about you do some research
on philanthropy perhaps,,
at the library,,see causes that would interest you.?
Or just bide your time and it'll
hit ya,.
IT usually does for all of us.
Either on the receiving end
Or on the giving end.
You need a ride on a harley thru the mountains or to just sit on a rock near a creek somewhere and listen to peaceful solitude as time passes.
Well, let's see, for myself, I usually take a ride on the harley or go to the harley dealership or local bike shop and buy myself something for the bike. Maby go visit a friend. Friends are very important.
Hey the thought just hit me. Maby you should buy yourself a motorcycle when it warms up some? Or maby your the type who prefer's to be a passenger? Come down here to Georgia and I'd be happy to give ya a ride! :0)
My favorite would be go head to someplace outside of this city and spend a couple of days, preferably staying in a locally owned motel. Just being on the road alone clears my head.
I'm tellin' you... get yourself a Harley, and do some riding. :)
I think there is something similar to a post-partum depression after something as stressful as Christmas is over.
I think the "stay busy" option is best.
AS for me - I pump iron. I know that sounds strange coming from an old codger like me - but that is what I do. I worked out this a.m. for about 30 minutes on weights, 30 minutes on a bike (a real one with wind in your face but no motor) and 35 minutes on a couple of mile walk. I'm ready now to take a nap. I finally figured out what lol means (lots of love) and wish that for you too. Old Baldy
Hmmm... well, if I can get 30 minutes to an hour of peace and quiet to read or reflect, I'm doing REALLY well. I've found that out of some survival instinct I seem to just shut down every once in a while and recharge.
Help sombody!
I hope it will not be too boring, but I keep coming back to the truth that meditation is what makes me happy. Now I can "tune in" sometimes even when exercising, walking, waiting somewhere...even dozing. The result is pure happiness, absolute joy, remembering that I am spirit here, only temporarily in this body, but a perpetual member of eternity...DAMN it feels good! No "thing" can take its place. For a moment I lose my identity completely...(I cease to become "I"), and I breathe with the universe.
I read! That makes me happy. Or I go to a movie and lunch with a friend. My work makes me happy, and I love doing it. I know that I need to start volunteering somewhere, to make a difference in other's lives, and I will soon.
Definitely reading...A good manicure and pedicure never hurt anyone. But I do love those nights when you have time to cook a good meal and curl up on the couch and watch a good movie. A treat for me is also going to a movie - a good one.
I surf the net on my free time. But to keep from seeming a total nerd, I also love being out in the garden, doing chores or planning for next season. I miss that during the winter, when there's so little daylight. Time in the garden or forest recharges me!
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