Roaring down the road......

Lest ya'll think I haven't been paying attention about the Harleys, let me assure you that I most certainly have! Having become addicted to inserting a picture in each post, I was searching for just the RIGHT one. Let me also tell you that a google search on images for women on Harleys nets some PRETTY interesting images! LOL...
Ever since I started reading blogs, I gravitated toward many biker logs - including Steel Cowboy who referred me to Grey Biker who referred me to Slice of Cornbread. (Tell me if I am missing any more of my biker friends and I'll mention you in my next post.)When I read of their adventures -- the mental and physical vacation of biking, I've been truly fascinated.
I did a little research (me being a research kinda chick) and here's what I found: "The motorcycle didn't spring full-blown into this world. Rather, it evolved from the earlier bicycle. Women loved bicycles for the mobility and freedom they allowed."
And here's my favorite fact. It's a quote.
Susan B. Anthony - "The bicycle has done more for the emancipation of women than anything else in the world."
And I didn't know that "the first true motorcycle was a charcoal fired two -wheeler made in 1869 by Sylvester Roper of Massachusetts." AND......"In 1902, Harley Davidson sold its first three motorcyles!"
By 1940, the United States had its first women's motorcyle club, The Motormaids. Today, there are scores of such clubs. Anyone who wants more information about the history of women and motorcycles may want to check out the book Hear Me Roar: Women, Motorcycles, and the Rapture of the Road.
Guess what I'm going to be reading?? I still think I'd rather first try riding WITH someone for awhile. Cornbread says I've already got a good "biker" name - Windfall. How about that? I think I'm halfway there! Windfall Woman a.k.a. Biker Chick to Be........
Darlin', you've already got the "biker-chick" name . . . I think you would look just *peachy* on the back of some Harley dude's bike. It is definitely ADDICTIVE, though . . . you'll have to start buying leathers, and accessories, and you'll start pondering ink, and . . .
Seriously, I loved the post - I think I'll check out the book you mentioned. It sounds very interesting.
Hey Windfall! ( I think I am gonna just start calling ya that instead of "WFW") With any passion it starts as a seed planted in your soul and then it grows and grows. You are on the right track. Check out harleys website and you will find a section on women and harleys. It doesn't give the whole big picture but it is informitive and I think you would enjoy it. the direct link to it is:
If it doesn't come thru here as a link just copy and paste it.
L&R, Cornbread
Hey Windfall Woman: I drove a harley once when I worked at a gas station. It was a three wheel job and I used it to take gas for nitwits who ran out of gas. Also had a 12 volt battery in the storage compartment that I used to jumpstart folks with dead batteries. Never will forget one rainy night going out and jump starting a gal with a dead battery. Soaked to the skin even though had a slicker on. If i remember right it had a gear shifter on the tank that I stratled. Bikes are great but always have to be vigilant on them - too many dumb four wheelers will kill you. thanks for the history - also a great pic. Have to go pick some kale - the plants are about three feet tall. Old Baldy
Windfall, I got to tell you... I have had three bikes; an old Triumph, a H-D Sportster (sold during the divorce, broke my heart...) and my new Softail - Which I purchased with MY (meager) windfall.
So. Consider that :)
There are a great many places a young lady can learn to ride. The Motorcyle Safety Foundation courses, most local Harley shops, etc. Plus you can ride with the local Harley Owners Group (HOG) who have numerous lady riders.
And yes FTS, I meant it nicely ;)
(My brother rides a riceburner, and I let HIM ride ... near me. LOL)
Kitty, thanks for the comment. Cornbread, you can call me anything you want. Old Baldy - great story! FTS, you seem like a Renaissance man - I'm sure you could handle the motorcycle. SC, I'm sorry you had to sell your Sportster but I've heard great things about the Softail.
i like the outfit your wearing in the motrcycle pic, very tasteful.
what about "Windy", as in the famous sixties song.
A Harley would suit you. You know how I am always harping on you to help people. Well bikers are some of the most helpful and generous folks I know. It would be a good move.
You would really enjoy it once you get over learning the balance of it. I'd ride with ya any day windfall.
As a female rider - I definitely recommend riding a bike. If you go for Harley, do NOT get a Sportster. Even though they are the least expensive they are top heavy. I've got an FXDL (Low Rider) and not only do I ride her all around town, but she's been on extended road trips (2500+ miles).
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