New Year's Resolutions

I started out 2006 just the way I wanted (or how about needed?) I got up early (even after not sleeping well) put on the workout clothes, went to the drycleaners. Working out is something I need to do for my health. If you can't tell, I'm a pretty big type "A" personality and have the potential to run myself ragged. Not only that -- I worry -- alot. I try not to, but it's just inbred. Also, I am very fortunate to have a fantastic job, but it is very stressful with alot of responsibility. A type A worrier under alot of stress needs to work out. Not only that, (giggling), if I want to keep my figure so's going to take work. Especially after all that Christmas indulging.
So I am on track for two New Year's resolutions. (1) Let go of the superstitions and (2) keeping in shape.
My other resolution is to cook one thing out of every one of my cookbooks. I don't know how many I have! I need to buy a special "thing" to keep my cookbooks in. I saw something glass fronted in wood a long time ago (antiquish) and that's what I have in my head. I guess I need to COUNT my cookbooks at some point. How about after I buy the "thing" to put them in? Or wait, do I need to count them and figure out how big it should be first? This resolution just might be too hard.......LOL.........Wait, I AM WFW......I can do it. I'll keep you updated on the progress!
Well, sure enuf, I forgot my blog password so am waiting for them to send it to me at my email address. This time I will write it down. I get plenty of exercise walking this old dog of mine. She was 13 on Dec 31, 2005. Acts like she is 2 - I keep telling her to act her age but she is hard headed. Good for you and your exercising - more people in u.s. should do it and our costs for medical care would decline. Got to go feed the chickens again - started at 6 this a.m. but too stormy I couldn't see. Old Baldy
Good for you . . . I haven't gone to the gym yet today. I have tons of errands to run, too, and I'm still not out the door because I had so many tasks to complete for our business accounts. I've been up since 6 a.m. (just like Old Baldy) but I haven't been out feeding the chickens *ha-ha* and I still have a to-do list that is a mile long.
You sound as if you are really staying on task with your "resolutions" - good luck with finding a bookshelf for all of your cookbooks. You'll have to share some of your recipes with us when you make some of those tasty creations.
Good luck with your resolutions. I wholly support you're "letting go" of the superstitions (I read down, catching up). Aren't the silly sometimes? Happy New Year WFW!
Of course you can do it.
"Vincini, I do not think that word means what you think it means." says, Inigo. Did you mean to say inbred?
You have started the New Year out right on track. For some reason I don't make resolutions as I feel I am setting myself up for failure so I set goals. Big deal no difference just a play on words but if it works it works
Good luck with finding the right bookcase for your cookbooks. Kitty said what I was going to say about sharing recipes. :)
Happy New Year...and my resolution is to get you on my blogroll THIS WEEK lol. Then I can say I kept MY resolution this year!
For my new years resolution, I started back smoking again. I know it's a poor choice, but I am weak. This last time was almost three years without burnin' a butt. But I am alot more happier now!!
I joined a gym a few months ago but haven't been good about going over the holidays. Although it would really help with my resolution of the keeping off the weight I lost last year.
You can always make the cookbook one work by doing a little decluttering to get rid of the ones you don't use . . . if you haven't made at least one recipe out of a book by Dec. 31 of this year, out it goes!
Hope you stick to that workout routine - it does make a difference - at least when I stuck to mine.
Good idea on the cookbooks.
cookies are good, but you are killing me with these pictures, have mercy!
I have tons of cookbooks, too. I love them. My favorite one is one that I was given as a group gift from everyone at one of my wedding showers. It's homemade - there are tabs/dividers in it - and everyone brought their favorite family recipes...My cousin put them in clear page protectors, and now I have a book FULL of them - I just keep adding.
If I could look like her - I'd make SURE I kept up with my resolutions.
Good luck with your resolutions, Windfall. I gave up years ago. A few times at New Year's parties, it went around and everyone had to put forth a resolution or two. But my wife (astutely) reminded me that I'd said the same thing the year before. And the year before that. So the futility became apparent, even to someone as thick as me. Though I were forced at gunpoint to pick one it'd be this: Play more volleyball!
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