
I'm off to medicate and recuperate. Hope your Sunday is blessed.
Labels: Headache
Life and times of an older Brittany Murphy look-a-like still working as a sales executive after experiencing a life changing windfall a year or so ago
Labels: Headache
So, so sorry about the migraine. I've never had one, but I do feel that there's nothing worse than a headache that won't go away. Hope you get some rest!
ww...thanks for visiting my site! I'm sorry to hear about the headache. I've only had a migraine once and I hope I never get another! I literally could not function. Hope your fealing better soon!
That's something I inherited from my mother as well. I guess you can't pick your inheritance...
I was "anonymous" & published the comment accidentally before revealing my identity. Or maybe I'm just trying to claim credit for that brilliant line above.
Hope you're feeling better!
I get those headaches too and yeah, it's pretty much a lost day.
Hope you're feeling better by now.
Try the "Butterbur Extra" on this page:
It's all the way at the bottom of the page, and called "Butterbur Extra--Brain Chemistry/Vessel Support by Dr. Tori Hudson.
No, I'm not "selling" it; I just hadn't got migraines in 20 years till I went to law school, and this is what they gave me at the health food store--If you take it when you start seeing the bright light patches, you don't get the headache that follows the bright light patterns (if that's the way you get them).
Some people take this or a similar supplement, and then don't get migraines anymore...
Have tried drinking coffee the moment you first feel it coming on? That helped when I used to have them. (They were hormone related)
Your blog is great! Thanks for coming by mine.
Just wanted to add to my above comment. Medically, Migraines are usually caused by vein dilation in the head...caffiene constricts the veins, that's why coffee helps.
Maybe TMI, but thought you might want to know.
Coffee definitely helps--when I got them as a teenager in the Seventies, they proscribed caff-ergot, which is just basically caffeine and ergot; the latter being the herb they used to make LSD out of (or do they STILL make it? I'm out of the loop on that stuff...)
Go to a health food store and tell them you get migraines, and see what they suggest.
I still think that "Butterbur" stuff is the ticket...
ADDENDUM--I forgot, "stopping migraines" is also part of the rationale of having caffeine in Excedrin, I am told...
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