To Skate or Not to Skate..........

Here's the story (from the press):
"Michelle Kwan's task is simple. Prove she's healthy enough to skate, and her quest for that elusive Olympic gold medal can continue. Appear to still be hobbled or ailing, and that dream is likely over.
The "Should she or shouldn't she?" debate that's swirled around U.S. figure skating all month will finally be resolved Friday. A five-person monitoring committee will watch her do her short and long programs on her home ice in Los Angeles, and determine whether she's fit and healthy enough to compete."
My thoughts? I like Michelle Kwan. She's beautiful on the ice. I felt for her as she lost the gold to Tara Lipinski and then Sarah Hughes. I watched both of these "skateoffs." Both of those skaters deserved to win over Kwan. I know she wants her gold medal. I can't help but think of all the sports where athletes don't get a chance for a "do over." I don't know if it's fair or not that she didn't compete in the Nationals to qualify and still gets a chance to go to the Olympics. I don't know any other sport where this would be allowed. What do you think?
Labels: Pensive
I saw this in this mornings paper and thought to myself, she just needs to hang up her skates. It is time, but that is hard to do. I know I gave up my love of the way of life in the AF and that was hard to do but it was time..
You know the younger Hughes girl placed third in the trials - she deserves to go to the Olympics. Michele has been a great competitor but she didn't qualify. Injury or not that is the way it works in this country. No administrative decision can erase the fact that the Hughes girl qualified and Michele didn't - she needs to get on with her life. At least that is the perspective from one chicken farmer. Old Baldy
There is precedent. When Nancy Kerrigan didn't compete in the trials because of the injury she received at the "hit" guy sent by Tonya Harding, she was given a spot on the team anyway. She took the place of the then 13 year old Michelle Kwan.
I think that she should be given a place on the team for the reason that sophmom said. Sarah Hughes is young and has time to wait for the next games.
I love Michele Kwan. No one is as graceful on the ice as she, and no one else appears to love it as much as she does.
I don't know what I think but maybe she's earned her shot.
I don't think she'll win a medal, since she seems to have a case of never skating her best at the Olympics. She's good PR. She could surprise me.
She did lose her spot in her first Olympics to another skater who didn't qualify. So it's not surprising she petitioned to get a third place skater's spot even without qualifying, as sophmom said.
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