I've been "blogged"

A few days ago, I was contacted by "The Diva Marketing Blog." We exchanged emails back and forth, and as a consequence, I had an email today entitled "you've been blogged!" I went to visit here. There was MY BLOG! Someone talking about MY BLOG. I was so excited. I felt famous!
By the way, thank you to my friend, David, for teaching me how to add links!
At the risk of sounding as though I am an emotional seesaw, I had a fantastic day in addition to the above recognition. Walt called me this afternoon rather panicked. He is off to an interview this weekend to be a Camp Counselor. Long story short, he needed another personal reference other than mine regarding his leadership skills. The teacher who promised him one left for the day without giving it to him. I calmed him a bit, gave him some advice, and he emailed me that he was able to gather his wits and asked another teacher. He's off to camp hopefully to be chosen! (I'll keep you posted.) By the way, Sunday is Walt's birthday. I had my attorney privately arrange for his parents to receive an electric bass guitar, amp, etc. to give to him for his birthday. The instructions were that these presents had to come from them along with lessons funded. I happened to overhear his birthday "wish" before class along with the comment that his parents would not be able to afford it. The windfall is handy for this kind of situation. Just like the gold coins the other night. By the way, I happened to be in the grocery store in the produce section and overheard some mothers talking about the gold coins. I stiffened....the mother said her kids were too young to remember which house gave out the bags! That's exactly what I was hoping would happen! I wish I could see Walt's eyes when he gets that guitar. I hope he'll be happy.
Labels: Walt
Congratulations--you've finally received the recognition you deserve! How do you like to be called a 'diva'?
=) It's great to read about how you go all out to help others. What an inspiration. Truly.
Nice blog. "Fame" (even moderate, anonymous, Internet fame) seems both fun and scary to me. Congratulations on the recognition. The gold coins was a great idea. I like the idea for the follow up story too.
That's just amazing...the Walt thing. You are making dreams come true.
I so appreciate your spirit.
if I were not packing my house I would go on and on about it, we will talk later, glad you got the link thing down.
I think I saw you. That grocery store where the woman talked about gold coins didn't happen to be a 7-11 in Bryson City did it? Don't have much time to write today. I need to harvest some honey. The hive is budging with it. Thank goodness, we've had some real bad years for honey. Pests, weather and so on. I've got to find another way to make a living = between farming and hiving = I'd probably qualify for food stamps. Anonymous
That's neat!
You are too awesome and you abviously have a big heart. Congrats on making Diva status!
Thanks also for voting for my blog. I'm in 2nd place! :)
I too would like to hear later about Walt's reaction to the guitar.
Shawn, thank you for visiting my blog. Snake, awwww I'm not a diva...but thanks for the congrats! Phoe, I appreciate you reading. Toby, what can I say? You and I are bonded now. Soph, thanks for dropping by. I am definitely planning on follow-up stories! Lauri, I am so excited about tommorrow being Walt's birthday that I can hardly sleep! I can't wait to hear about the guitar. David, I need to hear about the move. Purple, good to see you! Leah - thanks! Anonymous? I don't know where Bryson City is but I was in Kroger's produce section (not Whole Foods - winking at Snake).
What a sweet and wonderful thing to so WW! I will be looking for your follow-up story as well!
Phoenix, thank you. (HUGS BACK)...
Congratulations! Great publicity.
I agree with this one:
>Do I think WFW is for real? I >don't really know ... nor do I >care. As she wrote to me, "Maybe >people will find Windfall Woman's >life interesting enough to >continue to read about it."
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