Story Behind The Ring and Junior Achievement

Inevitably, you develop attachments to children/teens that are special. In one instance, a special boy has attached himself to me. He is a mature, thoughtful, intelligent, sweet kid. It turns out that he, Walt, had desperately "loved" a girl, Martie. Apparently, this unrequited love had been the object of his affection for several years. Finally, she appeared to be reciprocating his feelings. She does not have a very happy homelife - suffers from depression, feelings of self-loathing, etc. At any rate, the two of them had been to the movies and mall in groups. Somehow they ended up in a jewelry store with the two of them looking at rings. Walt, in his typically generous way, bought a ring for Martie that she absolutely loved. She wore it every day, and his pride in seeing it on her hand was huge. Without warning, she split from Walt and began "going out with" a friend in Walt's group. It was a crushing blow. Martie could not seem to understand why her actions would hurt Walt so. (Unbelievable) The final blow for Walt was when she actually gave the ring to Walt's best friend (also her friend). Walt's best friend, Jay, gave the ring to HIS girlfriend, Melanie. (I won't even go there on how a best friend could do this.) Melanie was overjoyed with the ring - wearing it every day. You can just imagine how poor Walt felt. In a strange turn of events, Melanie, new to the school, became very attached to Walt. She would teasingly say to Jay that if she had met Walt first, she would have tried to be with him. Jay, sensing Melanie's attraction to Walt, broke up with her. Interestingly, Melanie continued to wear the ring. She told Walt that she liked him, and he (the honorable friend and gentleman that he is) said that he could not hurt his best friend by going out with her. They let some time go by, and Walt and Melanie were finally free to be together. Walt is very in love now as is Melanie. And Martie, she has tried in vain to get Walt's attention. But he's over her. He found the girl who truly appreciates him. Kenju was right - it is truly karma in action. So that's the story behind the ring.
Labels: Walt
Oh wow, I can so see you writing a book here. The power and magic of that ring bringing the two right ones together...I can see it.
Hey, I'D buy it for sure!!
The whole story is quite interesting! I was reading it with you being "I". It is so different knowing that you aren't! Good poem, good story!
That shows what I know about poetry. I thought it was just making rhymes. But now I see there's a whole story behind this poem, and some lives behind that.
You tell it well, but drama like that can ONLY happen in High school don't you think. It's like a microwave for cooking emotional disasters.
I was cooked once or twice, and mabe put someone through a heartache also.
I was lame. Now I am just insane.
Great story! Now the poem makes more sense to me...I was also reading the "I" in it as being you.
Hey Windfall Woman - great story....thanks for sharing. :)
Great story and alot of irony there! I love it :)
Awesome story. It's the kind of thing movies are made of.
I love it. Not very often that karma comes full circle, so close and in such a short time. Thanks for the history.
What a beautiful story.
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